Flight Time Calculator

Calculate the flight time between any two points for different aircraft, with optional wind conditions.

Interactive Map

Click twice on the map to select departure and destination points.

Departure Destination
Route Information

Select two points on the map to calculate the distance.

Flight Parameters
Additional distance added to ensure aircraft range safety.
Filter aircraft by classification
Search by aircraft name to find and add specific aircraft
Aircraft List
Click the X to remove an aircraft from your list
Tailwind decreases flight time, headwind increases it, crosswind has minimal effect on time.
Special Examples
Jet Stream Effects

The jet stream is a narrow band of strong wind in the upper levels of the atmosphere. Commercial aircraft flying eastbound across the Atlantic or Pacific can save significant time and fuel by utilizing these favorable winds.

Trans-Atlantic Crossings

Flights from New York to London can be up to 1 hour shorter than the reverse route due to jet stream assistance.

Trans-Pacific Routes

The jet stream can cause significant differences in flight times between Tokyo and Los Angeles.

Extreme Weather Events

During winter, strengthened jet streams can create over 100 km/h tailwinds or headwinds.

About This Tool

This interactive tool allows you to calculate and compare flight times between any two points on the world map for different aircraft, with optional wind simulation.

How it works:

  1. Select two points on the map by clicking, or enter city names in the input fields.
  2. The great circle distance between the points will be calculated.
  3. Only aircraft with enough range (including safety margin) will be shown in the results.
  4. Flight time is calculated by dividing the distance by the cruise speed of each aircraft.
  5. Optional wind effects can be applied to see how they affect flight time.

Note: The calculations provide approximate flight times and do not account for all real-world factors such as altitude changes, air traffic control, taxi time, and varying speeds during different flight phases.